The Climb – Mt. Longonot

Date: 22.08.2015

Time: Well, we were to start at the crack of dawn, but after a million pit-stops to pick up things that we had forgotten for the camp, we finally started the Climb a little past noon.

I have never climbed a mountain before. And my partner kept telling me that it would be easy, as Mt. Longonot was not a vert steep ascend. Plus, I thought, with all my cardio and tennis and what not at the gym, I should be perfectly ok.

Boy was I mistaken. While the others shot off, I was left panting. I did not experience any cramps or muscle pulls, but only felt that my breathing became quite laboured. I let the others climb ahead as I took to my first mountain at my own pace.

By the time I had reached the Mid-Point resting place, my body was now accustomed to the climbing and breathing eased off a little. There were many ladies up there (sad, when always women) who, due to acclimatization were feeling faint and could not go on, But, although I was fatigued, I had to go on and get to the top. (Note to self: Fire my personal trainer, and get more Endurance Training done at the Gym)

Well, I did catch up with the rest of the pack and made it to the top successfully, I have to add. since I was left alone, I made it ON MY OWN!  Hoot Hoot!!!

I managed to appreciate and take in the breath-taking view, on the way up, and once on top, I think I had an emotional moment. I cannot express in words how it feels to have accomplished something that you thought you “Could Not” and finally did.

View from the top
View from the top – 2,560 meters above Sea Level looking down at the Longonot crater.

We had planned to go around the rim (7.2 km) but because we were late in starting our climb, we decided to keep it for another day.

I am generally afraid of heights, and the thought of coming down the mountain seemed terrifying. I considered plunging myself down the side of the mountain and just rolling down. But, since that was not possible, I had to climb it down. And that was the fun part, I slid, I skipped, and even fell, but it was all worth the while.

Two and a half hours later, I had accomplished something on my bucket list. I felt great.  We then headed off to Camp for the night, to return back home the following day.

This sure was a weekend well spent. Hopefully I will be climbing my next one soon.

 “Climb Mountains, not so that the world can see you, but so that you can see the WORLD”

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