2017 : This is [the NEW] Me…

Well hello there!

To those of you who are new, Welcome! Grab a Cuppa and take a seat.

And for those, who have been around here long enough, can I get you a refill for that coffee?

Don’t let the title of this page confuse you, lovelies.

When I first started this blog, it was with the intention of documenting my battle with PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrom) and Insulin Resistance. But as I delved deeper into blogging and interacted more with the wider world (read: YOU!), I started noticing and enjoying new aspects of my life, that I had previously kept hidden within. And so this blog went through a metamorphosis.

You will notice that the content has shifted from being purely health and fitness related. Although I still remain a fitness junkie true to heart, and I am still on my journey towards optimal health (PCOS Free and Fatloss), I have started sharing with you more vivid details of my life, and it is as real as it gets, darlings (that’s just a word of caution for everyone, don’t say I didn’t warn you!).

You will find posts about My Adventures (Hikes and Trails), my role as a Senior Editor for Al-Jawab Publication, what it’s like being on the BOARD of YWSE, My Life Coach and Transformation series,  My Fatloss Journey (including the Asian Weekly Lifestyle Challenge), Relationship Rants, Musings, Book Reviews, Food Blogs, just about everything under the sun.

Sometimes, depending on where I am in life, I simply talk about the trajectory of my life, and where it is heading.

So why don’t you hit me up on my weekly reviews and we could have a conversation about your week, or your personal journeys… sounds fabulous!

I do hope you enjoy your stay here, and in so doing find something that you can take back with you.

Enjoy, and Muchos Love,


I am an open book, turn me one page at a time to unravel my story.

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